Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1 cyberbully 2011

This is my first blog post of the 2011-2012 school year.
How does the main character feel about using "Clicksters" in the beginning of the film?
Taylor did not care about it but her friends told her that all the kids in the school had one so Taylor made one but she was not sure about it .
What is her family situation? Challenges,Relationships,Mother,Father,Brother.
With her mom it was good because her brother and her were living with her mom .With her dad it was not good because she was mad at him .And her brother I think she was pretty good with him
What friends ship does she have ? At the beginning of the film she had a good relationship with them but when she started using Clicksters there trust when down .
What happened to Taylor`s Clickers account ? It got hact by her own brother and now people are posting bad things about her and Taylor does not know what to do .
Who was the culprit?
*Linzy and her friends
What changes do you see in Taylor as she continues using clicks ,attitude ,relationship,mom ,and friends .
She was getting more rude to people and with her friends they were not good because Taylor was getting more into clicks then with her friends .
How does Taylor react to the mean comments people keep posting about her ?She feels bad and she keeps this a secret form her mom but not to her friends but she post things back .
Does she ever try to stop people from posting insults ?What could she have done differently ?
No because they were posting more and more and Taylor did not know that to do . What she could done better is that she need to tell her mom or someone she trust it more .
How do you think Taylor felt about her friends betraying her ?I think she felt alone and she did not have no one to tell them because she thought that if she tells her mom about it her mom will be mad at her so she keep it a secret but her mom found out .
What kind of changes do you see Taylor trought the film? At first she was scared and did not know what to do but trought the hard things going on she got stronger and she new what to do .

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